为及时总结离岸CCUS技术的最新研究成果,突破离岸CCUS关键技术问题和难点,全方位展现离岸CCUS领域攻坚克难、创新突破的成效,《Journal of Marine Science and Application》将以“Offshore Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage”为主题组织出版一期专刊,现面向行业征集相关论文。
(1) 离岸CCUS战略发展规划
(2) 沿海及离岸CO2捕集技术
(3) 对沿海工厂的低碳改造技术
(4) 沿海及离岸CO2运输技术
(5) 海洋钻井与完井工程关键技术
(6) 离岸CO2利用与封存技术
(7) 对海底CO2运移的建模与监测
(8) 用于离岸CCUS的新能源开发
(9) 离岸CCUS系统的工程设计与技术集成
(一)本次专刊目前全部实行网络系统投稿,不接受纸稿和电子邮箱投稿。作者投稿请登陆:https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/jmsa注册个人信息,再根据提示进行操作,上传稿件等。投稿时请选择“Offshore Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage”专刊,稿件经初审通过后,进入期刊盲审阶段。
(三)本次专刊录用的论文将在《Journal of Marine Science and Application》发表。
《Journal of Marine Science and Application》编辑部
Call for papers:
Offshore Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage
Climate change, caused by anthropogenic CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions, is one of the most urgent and extensive global threats confronting us today. The need to reduce emissions rapidly has prompted a growing interest in CO2 capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS). However, there are many technical and non-technical challenges associated with implementing CCUS technologies, particularly offshore. These include issues associated with long-term liabilities, various engineering and ecological concerns, as well as public acceptance. The offshore CCUS industry has been actively implementing several actions aiming at preventing anthropogenic CO2 from entering into the atmosphere and more need to continue being implemented.
The Special Issue plans to collect academic papers covering Offshore Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) technology practices, and management innovation. English topics, abstracts, keywords, and full text are required.
Topics of interest include (but not limited to)
- Strategic vision for offshore CCUS
- Coastal and offshore CO2 stream processing
- Retrofit of power plants in coastal region
- Coastal and offshore CO2 transportation
- Offshore drilling & completion technology
- Sustainable offshore CO2 utilization and storage
- Modeling and monitoring of sub-sea CO2 storage reservoirs
- Renewable energy resources for offshore CCUS
- Engineering design, testing, and integration of technologies for offshore CCUS
Format requirements for paper submission
The Special Issue plans to collect academic papers covering Offshore Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) technology practices, and management innovation. English topics, abstracts, keywords, and full English text are required.
The abstract should highly summarize the academic and technical points of the full text, be independent and self-contained, and include four parts:
Research purpose and scope (30-75 words)
Methods, steps, and procedures (75-100 words)
Results, understanding, and conclusions (100-200 words)
Innovation points, technical contributions and significance (30-75 words)
The paper must be original and not publicly published in any journal or conference. Please do not submit more than one draft.
Thesis topics should be concise and precise, not too long or too general.
Deadline for submission of papers:
November, 2023
Planned publication date:
June 2024
Submission method
1) All contributions for this solicitation will be submitted through the network system, and paper and email submissions will not be accepted.
Authors are requested to log on to:
Register personal information first, then follow the prompts to operate, upload manuscripts, etc.
Please select the "Offshore Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage" special issue when submitting your manuscript. After passing the preliminary review, you will enter the blind review stage of the journal.
2) Authors' signatures should be agreed by all authors. Authors should strictly abide by academic norms, fulfill their obligations regarding job achievements and confidentiality with their respective units and former work units, and should not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of any individual or unit.
3) The thesis for this employment will be published in the journal "Journal of Marine Science and Application".
Prof. Jianghui Li, State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, China; jli@xmu.edu.cn
Prof. Qi Li, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; qli@whrsm.ac.cn
Prof. Xi Liang, The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, University College London, UK; xi.liang@ucl.ac.uk
Dr. Pengchun Li, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; lypengchun@scsio.ac.cn
Dr. Qingping Li, CNOOC Research Institute Co., Ltd, China; liqp@cnooc.com.cn