Global Climate Change and Energy for the Future
Donat-P. Hader
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen
Dept. Biology
Chair Ecophysiology
1964 -1969 Studies of Biology, English language and literature, University Marburg
1973PhD Marburg University in Botany
1977 Habilitation, University of Marburg
1969 -1979 Research Assistant University of Marburg
1978 -1979 Research Associate at Michigan State University
1979 -1988 Privatdozent University of Marburg
1983 Research sabbatical in Lubock/Texas
1985 Research visits to National Research Laboratory, Okasaki/Japan
1988 - Chair for Botany at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen
1990 - Acting director
1987 Accredited by the United Nations Environmental Program to a council reporting on effects of ozone depletion and global climate change on the ecology
讲座时间:6月23日 上午10:00-11:30
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