OH-PBDEs and MeO-PBDEs: Methods, Sources and Consequences
Prof. John Giesy
2011年1月23日9:00 曾呈奎楼B-214
• Prof. Giesy is a world leading eco-toxicologist with interests in many aspects of eco-toxicology, including both the fates and effects of potentially toxic compounds and elements, particularly in the area of ecological risk assessment.
• He has conducted research into the movement, bioaccumulation, and effects of toxic substances at different levels of biological organization, ranging from biochemical to ecosystem.
• He has done extensive research in the areas of metal speciation, multi-species toxicity testing, biochemical indicators of stress in aquatic organisms, fate and effects of PAHs, halogenated hydrocarbons, including chlorinated dibenzo-dioxins and -furans, PCBs and pesticides.
• He discovered the phenomenon of photo enhanced toxicity of organic compounds, such as PAHs.
• He was the first to report the occurrence of perfluorinated compounds in the environment.
• He has published731 peer-reviewed articlesand presented1,520 lectures, world-wide. Professor Giesy is among the top 0.001% of active authors in the world (ISI) and the 2nd most cited author in the world in the combined fields of Ecology and Environmental Sciences (1999-2009) with an "h" index of 62 on a total of 14,656.
邀请人:王克坚教授 联系人:施薇 2186039